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These rates are the daily secondary market quotations on the most recently auctioned Treasury Bills for each maturity tranche (4-week, 8-week, 13-week, 17-week, 26-week, and 52-week) for which Treasury currently issues new bills.


tr_bill_rates(date = NULL)



(character(1) | numeric(1)) date in format yyyy or yyyymm. If NULL, all data is returned. Default NULL.


A data.table::data.table() containing the rates or NULL when no entries were found.


Market quotations are obtained at approximately 3:30 PM each business day by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The Bank Discount rate is the rate at which a bill is quoted in the secondary market and is based on the par value, amount of the discount and a 360-day year. The Coupon Equivalent, also called the Bond Equivalent, or the Investment Yield, is the bill's yield based on the purchase price, discount, and a 365- or 366-day year. The Coupon Equivalent can be used to compare the yield on a discount bill to the yield on a nominal coupon security that pays semiannual interest with the same maturity date.

See also


# \donttest{
# get data for a single month
#>            date   type maturity value
#>          <Date> <char>   <char> <num>
#>   1: 2022-01-03  close  4 weeks  0.05
#>   2: 2022-01-03  yield  4 weeks  0.05
#>   3: 2022-01-03  close  8 weeks  0.06
#>   4: 2022-01-03  yield  8 weeks  0.06
#>   5: 2022-01-03  close 13 weeks  0.09
#>  ---                                 
#> 196: 2022-01-31  yield 13 weeks  0.24
#> 197: 2022-01-31  close 26 weeks  0.49
#> 198: 2022-01-31  yield 26 weeks  0.50
#> 199: 2022-01-31  close 52 weeks  0.76
#> 200: 2022-01-31  yield 52 weeks  0.77
# or for the entire year
#>             date   type maturity value
#>           <Date> <char>   <char> <num>
#>    1: 2022-01-03  close  4 weeks  0.05
#>    2: 2022-01-03  yield  4 weeks  0.05
#>    3: 2022-01-03  close  8 weeks  0.06
#>    4: 2022-01-03  yield  8 weeks  0.06
#>    5: 2022-01-03  close 13 weeks  0.09
#>   ---                                 
#> 2586: 2022-12-30  yield 17 weeks  4.70
#> 2587: 2022-12-30  close 26 weeks  4.60
#> 2588: 2022-12-30  yield 26 weeks  4.77
#> 2589: 2022-12-30  close 52 weeks  4.51
#> 2590: 2022-12-30  yield 52 weeks  4.73
# }