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Return ifo business climate data


  type = c("germany", "sectors", "eastern", "saxony"),
  long_format = TRUE



(character(1)) Defaults to "germany". One of:

  • "germany": returns the ifo business climate index for Germany.

  • "sectors": returns the ifo business climate index for different sectors.

  • "eastern": returns the ifo business climate index for eastern Germany.

  • "saxony": returns the ifo business climate index for Saxony.


(logical(1)) If TRUE return the data in long format. Only applies to type "germany" and "sectors". Default TRUE.


A data.frame() containing the monthly ifo business climate time series.

See also

The article for a reproducible example.


# \donttest{
#> # A tibble: 1,434 × 6
#>    yearmonth  uncertainty economic_expansion indicator   series  value
#>    <date>           <dbl>              <dbl> <chr>       <chr>   <dbl>
#>  1 2005-01-01          NA               83.1 climate     index    92.2
#>  2 2005-01-01          NA               83.1 situation   index    87.4
#>  3 2005-01-01          NA               83.1 expectation index    97.2
#>  4 2005-01-01          NA               83.1 climate     balance   1.5
#>  5 2005-01-01          NA               83.1 situation   balance  -0.8
#>  6 2005-01-01          NA               83.1 expectation balance   3.8
#>  7 2005-02-01          NA               50.4 climate     index    91.9
#>  8 2005-02-01          NA               50.4 situation   index    87.9
#>  9 2005-02-01          NA               50.4 expectation index    96.2
#> 10 2005-02-01          NA               50.4 climate     balance   0.9
#> # ℹ 1,424 more rows
# }