List providers and datasets sorted by creation date
# \donttest{
#> $datasets
#> # A tibble: 100 × 9
#> code description dir_hash indexed_at name nb_series provider_code
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr>
#> 1 PET Statistics… 181fbc9… 2025-03-1… Petr… 178388 EIA
#> 2 NG Statistics… 2922568… 2025-03-1… Natu… 15713 EIA
#> 3 PET_IMPORTS Aggregate … 410039d… 2025-03-1… Crud… 45670 EIA
#> 4 GDPbyIndustry-6 NA ba38d27… 2025-03-1… Comp… 396 BEA
#> 5 GDPbyIndustry-7 NA b373ce7… 2025-03-1… Comp… 396 BEA
#> 6 AJM08 NA a3f8014… 2025-03-1… Feed… 27 CSO
#> 7 AJM01 NA 9c2c91c… 2025-03-1… Catt… 28 CSO
#> 8 AJM09 NA 2307d9b… 2025-03-1… Fert… 27 CSO
#> 9 AJM10 NA 28a0b28… 2025-03-1… Manu… 3 CSO
#> 10 GFSFALCS This datas… da6cc6f… 2025-03-1… Gove… 199680 IMF
#> # ℹ 90 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: provider_name <chr>, updated_at <chr>
#> $providers
#> # A tibble: 93 × 6
#> code indexed_at name region slug website
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 GGDC 2025-03-17T02:18:56.974Z Groningen Growth a… World ggdc https:…
#> 2 ELSTAT 2025-03-17T02:10:58.725Z Helenic Statistica… GR elst… http:/…
#> 3 BLS 2025-03-17T02:08:52.856Z U.S. Bureau of Lab… US bls https:…
#> 4 ESRI 2025-03-17T02:07:59.630Z Economic and Socia… JP esri https:…
#> 5 FED 2025-03-17T01:59:16.490Z Federal Reserve Bo… US fed https:…
#> 6 EIA 2025-03-17T01:57:31.713Z U.S. Energy Inform… US eia https:…
#> 7 DARES 2025-03-17T01:34:23.869Z Direction de l'Ani… FR dares https:…
#> 8 DREES 2025-03-17T01:32:39.952Z Direction de la re… FR drees https:…
#> 9 CBO 2025-03-17T01:21:40.056Z Congressional Budg… US cbo https:…
#> 10 pole-emploi 2025-03-17T01:20:09.075Z Pôle Emploi FR pole… http:/…
#> # ℹ 83 more rows
# }