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Retrieval of the metadata stored in the ECB's time series database. Access via the SDMX Web Service API of the ECB


ecb_metadata(type, agency = NULL, id = NULL)



character(1) the type of metadata to query. One of: "datastructure", "dataflow", "codelist", or "concept".


character(1) id of the agency to query. Default NULL.


character(1) id of the resource to query. Default NULL.


A data.frame() with the queried metadata. The columns are:


The agency of the metadata


The id of the metadata


The name of the metadata

See also

Other metadata: bbk_metadata()


# \donttest{
#> # A tibble: 84 × 3
#>    agency id          name                                                     
#>    <chr>  <chr>       <chr>                                                    
#>  1 ECB    ECB_AME1    AMECO                                                    
#>  2 ECB    ECB_BCS1    Business Cycle Statistics                                
#>  3 ECB    ECB_BKN1    Banknotes Statistics                                     
#>  4 ECB    ECB_BLS1    Bank Lending Survey Statistics                           
#>  5 ECB    ECB_BOP1    Balance of Payments, I.I.P. and Reserve Assets Statistics
#>  6 ECB    ECB_BOP_BNT Statistics on Shipments of Euro Banknotes                
#>  7 ECB    ECB_BSI1    Balance Sheet Items                                      
#>  8 ECB    ECB_CAR1    Car Statistics                                           
#>  9 ECB    ECB_CBD1    Statistics on Consolidated Banking Data                  
#> 10 ECB    ECB_CBD2    Statistics on Consolidated Banking Data                  
#> # ℹ 74 more rows
ecb_metadata("datastructure", "ECB")
#> # A tibble: 75 × 3
#>    agency id          name                                                     
#>    <chr>  <chr>       <chr>                                                    
#>  1 ECB    ECB_AME1    AMECO                                                    
#>  2 ECB    ECB_BCS1    Business Cycle Statistics                                
#>  3 ECB    ECB_BKN1    Banknotes Statistics                                     
#>  4 ECB    ECB_BLS1    Bank Lending Survey Statistics                           
#>  5 ECB    ECB_BOP1    Balance of Payments, I.I.P. and Reserve Assets Statistics
#>  6 ECB    ECB_BOP_BNT Statistics on Shipments of Euro Banknotes                
#>  7 ECB    ECB_BSI1    Balance Sheet Items                                      
#>  8 ECB    ECB_CAR1    Car Statistics                                           
#>  9 ECB    ECB_CBD1    Statistics on Consolidated Banking Data                  
#> 10 ECB    ECB_CBD2    Statistics on Consolidated Banking Data                  
#> # ℹ 65 more rows
ecb_metadata("datastructure", "ECB", "ECB_EXR1")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 3
#>   agency id       name          
#>   <chr>  <chr>    <chr>         
#> 1 ECB    ECB_EXR1 Exchange Rates
ecb_metadata("datastructure", id = "ECB_EXR1")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 3
#>   agency id       name          
#>   <chr>  <chr>    <chr>         
#> 1 ECB    ECB_EXR1 Exchange Rates
# }